Here’s what a typical day is like at Northbrook Academy
- Prepare the Environment
Opening Routine
- We begin our day with a welcome song.
- Take account for who is present.
Large Group Time
- Large Group time offers children a sense of belonging to a group.
- Children practice communication skills.
- Each child has the opportunity to express their questions, ideas, feelings and sharing their work.
Choice Time
- Child lead activities with teacher interaction.
- We discuss the book we read page by page supporting Social Emotional Development.
Small Group Time
- An interest area with several different materials for the children to explore.
- Teachers observe and talk with the children about their findings.
Large Group Round-Up
- Time to recall the day’s events.
- Children are invited to describe the materials they’ve used and the important parts of their day.
Daily Extras
- Outdoor experiences
- Family partnership
- Wow! experiences